About Us
What is the Chamber of Commerce?
The mission of the Byhalia Area Chamber Main Street is to promote and foster success for commerce and our community through economic and community development for Byhalia and the Marshall County area.

Main Street Byhalia
As an affiliated National Main Street Community and Designated Mississippi Main Street, we are dedicated to the following four points of the Main Street Approach

Economic Vitality focuses on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies.
Design supports a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual assets that set the commercial district apart.
Promotion positions the downtown or commercial district as the center of the community and hub of economic activity, while creating a positive image that showcases a community’s unique characteristics.
Organization involves creating a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for the district.
“We are excited about our Town’s growth, new businesses are moving here, and things are happening, just because our community got involved with ‘One More Piece of the Plan’.”
— Former Mayor Phil Malone, from “One More Piece of the Plan”
As we grow our Main Street Byhalia Committee, if you're interested in being involved or staying up to date on Main Street initiatives, please reach out to us for consideration.